Protecting All Of Us From COVID-19
At James C Schell, LLC we are committed to protecting the health and safety of everyone we come in contact with. As recommended by the CDC we implement the following measures to help prevent or mitigate the spread of the virus.
Masks: Employees are supplied with face masks to cover their nose and mouth.
Disinfectant Spray: Our employees are diligent about sanitizing all surfaces, equipment and tools we come in contact with at job locations.
Washing Hands/Hand Sanitizer: Our workers frequently wash their hands and/or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Thermometer: We perform mandatory temperature checks on all our employees and subcontractors who enter your job site on our behalf.
Pre-Visit Phone Screening: Clients are contacted and asked COVID-19 safety screening questions before employees enter their homes.
6' Rule: The 6' social distancing rule is followed whenever possible with our workers.
Health and Safety
Stop! A sign is located at the entrance of job sites to discourage visitors.
Do Not Enter! Any site visitors are asked to stop at the entrance and have their temperature taken and asked the COVID-19 safety questions.
COVID-19 Station: A COVID-19 station at every job site entrance includes hand sanitizer, a thermometer, and a sign-in sheet. Visitors are required to use the sanitizer, take and record their temperature and answer safety questions on the sign-in sheet.
HEPA Filter: High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters are used at work locations to improve air quality.
Containment Barriers: We create a containment barrier around work areas to control dust, debris and unfiltered air from infiltrating your home.